What is uterine cancer?

Best Uterine Cancer specialists in Rohini is the growth of malignant cells in the endometrial (uterine) lining and/or endometrial muscle. It usually occurs after 50 years of age but a minority of women may present with uterine cancer before 40 years of age also. However, more than 80% of uterine cancer do present in the early stage (thanks to the early presentation of symptoms) and thus, can be 100% cured in the majority of cases.

What causes uterine cancer?

Not all the time, but the majority of women with uterine cancer have an imbalance of hormones. The ovaries make most of the female hormones estrogen and progesterone. So, if the uterus is exposed to too much estrogen over a long period of time due to any underlying reason, cancer cells may develop.

Thus, there are many risk factors that can lead to excess hormone levels in the body:

☆ Polycystic ovarian disease (PCOS): PCOS causes hormonal imbalance that can actually increase the risk to many folds.

☆ Early menstruation and late menopause: Women with early resumption of menses as well as those with late menopause have higher chances of uterine cancer.

☆ No Pregnancies: Women who had never been pregnant are at higher risk as they are constantly exposed to hormones without a break

☆ Family history of cancer: Women with first or second-degree relatives with breast, ovarian, colon or uterine cancer might harbor greater chances of uterine cancer.

☆ Previous history of radiation therapy: if you had radiation to your lower abdomen and/or pelvis in the past due to any reason, your risk of developing uterine cancer is increased.

☆ Obesity: Obese women are 3 times at higher risk for uterine cancer as compared to non-obese women.

☆ Older age: Increasing age itself is a risk factor for uterine cancer

☆ Tamoxifen use: Tamoxifen is a drug given to breast cancer women. However, it does increase the risk of uterine cancer.

Note: Having one or two risk factors does not mean you will definitely develop uterine cancer. Women with most of the risk factors might not develop cancer. On the other hand, women with no risk factors might develop. Thus, the key to early diagnosis is to consult your gynecologist as soon as you notice any of the following abnormal symptoms.

How do uterine tumors present?

☆ Unusual/heavy bleeding, spotting, or discharge from the vagina

☆ Bleeding after menopause

☆ A lump in the lower abdomen

☆ Pain in the lower abdomen

How is the diagnosis of uterine cancer confirmed?

With the above-mentioned symptoms, your doctor with do a physical examination, which will include a pelvic examination and some further tests:

☆ A Transvaginal ultrasound: This is the first investigation of choice in presence of any abnormal symptoms. USG will provide information regarding the uterus and both ovaries.

☆ Hysteroscopy: This helps to visualize the inside of the uterus and take a biopsy

☆ Endometrial Biopsy: Biopsy is the gold standard to confirm the diagnosis of cancer.

☆ MRI/CECT: After confirmation of cancer on the biopsy report, further imaging preferably an MRI should be done to assess if cancer has spread to other areas.
NOTE: It’s a very common myth that taking a biopsy spreads cancer further. IT IS NOT AT ALL TRUE. Biopsy only confirms cancer. It DOES NOT spread cancer further.

What are the treatment options for uterine cancer?

Surgery is the first modality of treatment for uterine cancer and most of the time, it is the only modality required. Surgery for uterine cancer includes the removal of the uterus along with both the ovaries and tubes, and pelvic and para-aortic lymph nodes (to see if cancer has spread to these areas). Surgery can be performed either by incision on the abdomen (open technique) or through laparoscope/robot (minimally invasive approach). Your doctor shall discuss with you which modality should be preferred in your case.

Radiation therapy is mostly used, if required, after surgery to decrease the chances of recurrence in the future. Whether you require radiation after surgery or not will be decided according to a histo-pathological report of the surgical specimen.

Chemotherapy is the use of drugs to kill cancer cells. It is usually given to women after surgery whose cancer has spread beyond the uterus at the time of diagnosis or to treat cancer that comes back.

NOTE: Uterine cancer is generally considered as one of the good cancers where cure is 100% possible in about >95% of women.

How can I prevent /reduce my risk of uterine cancer?

By avoiding as many risk factors as possible. However, early reporting of symptoms to your doctor is the key to early diagnosis and successful treatment.


☆ Uterine cancer can be cured completely

☆ Surgery is the main modality of treatment

☆ A Good surgery by Gynaec Oncologist gives best results